
Wild Blue Indigo, Baptisia australis


Wild Blue Indigo, Baptisia australis

Striking, bushy perennial is covered with dense clusters of violet-blue flowers on long upright spikes. Plant takes a few years to establish its taproot but the show is worth the wait! Flowers after two years and blooms become more numerous as plant matures. The unusual compact bluish-green foliage is attractive even when plant is not in flower, making wild blue indigo an excellent landscaping choice. Alow plenty of room for the plant to expand; grows to about 3 ft tall as well as wide. Can be divided in fall or spring when plant is dormant.
Grows best in well-drained stony soil in full sun but will tolerate part shade. to part shade. Very drought tolerant due to its strong taproot and does not require much watering except in times of sparse rainfall. Hardy in USDA zones 3 through 8. Host plant for the Wild Indigo Duskywing. 50 seeds/2.50, 1/2 oz./7.00, 1 oz./14.00.